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Privacy Policy

365买球靠谱 (“Pepperdine” or “the University”) provides this Web site (“site”) 为学生、教师、校友和未来的学生提供服务. Use of the site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below in Pepperdine’s Privacy Policy (“policy”). 

Although Pepperdine respects the privacy of this site’s users (or “members” or “visitors”), 大学收集网站会员及访客的资料. The Privacy Policy governs users’ interaction with the site and users’ registration for and use 网站的在线服务. 除本隐私政策另有规定外 site’s Terms of Service agreement, and/or other published guidelines, Pepperdine does 不发布网站访问者的个人身份信息 他们的许可.

请注意,365怎么买球会不时审查这些隐私惯例,并且 因此,这些做法是可以改变的. Pepperdine要求用户定期这样做 查看此页面以确保继续熟悉的最新版本 网站的隐私政策. 联系365怎么买球关于隐私问题,报告 违反本网站的隐私政策,或提出任何其他有关的问题 网址,请发邮件至 webcomm@theharbourdj.com.



  1. 非个人身份信息. 当用户访问网站时,365怎么买球收集 and aggregates information indicating, among other things, which pages were visited, 访问它们的顺序,以及使用了哪些超链接. Collecting such information involves the logging of IP addresses, operating system, and browser 每个访问者使用的软件. 虽然这些信息不能识别个人身份, the University can determine from the IP address a visitor’s Internet Service Provider 以及用户连接点的地理位置.

    The non-personally identifiable information collected helps in diagnosing any server 问题,管理网站,确定网站最受欢迎的区域, 并确定促销活动的有效性. 

    For the same purposes, the University uses “cookies” – that is, small text files placed on your computer’s hard drive – to help determine and personalize the type of content 访问过的网站,在特定网站上花费的时间长度,以及 通过网站提供的服务. 获取有关用户如何控制其Web的信息 浏览器对cookies的接受情况,请参考随附的文档 browser.
  2. 个人身份信息. 网站的某些区域可能要求用户 provide personally identifiable information (including, for example, zip code, age, 收入及电邮地址). 另外,注册时要设置账号 使用网站上的某些服务,如电子邮件、聊天室、论坛或接收 newsletters or specifically targeted information (“services”), Pepperdine may require 用户提供他们的姓名和电子邮件地址.

    大学不会故意收集个人身份信息 children (defined herein as minors younger than thirteen years of age) without obtaining parental consent. 在注册帐户以使用本网站的服务之前, 365怎么买球要求所有未成年人有他们的父母阅读隐私政策和 继续让他们参与整个注册过程.

    365怎么买球不控制本网站的成员或访客的行为. All members and visitors should be aware that their disclosure of personally identifiable information 在留言板、聊天室、留言簿或其他允许其他方加入的论坛中 主动给他们发邮件. 如果访问者在这个网站上遇到任何用户 who is improperly collecting or using information provided by the site’s members or 参观者,请联络 webcomm@theharbourdj.com.


Please take some time to become familiar with the different ways Pepperdine uses the 收集的信息. 请记住,虽然大学鼓励所有第三者 parties involved to adhere to this site’s Privacy Policy and to otherwise handle personal information in a responsible manner, Pepperdine cannot and does not assume any responsibility 第三方的任何作为或不作为,包括其 使用从大学或独立获得的信息. Nevertheless, in the event users encounter any third party associated with, or who claims association with Pepperdine, who is improperly collecting or using personal information, please contact webcomm@theharbourdj.com/ 谁将信息转发给第三方.

  1. 使用非个人身份信息. 大学使用非个人 identifiable information in aggregate form to build higher quality, more useful online 服务通过执行统计分析的集体特征和 behavior of the site visitors, and by measuring demographics and interests regarding 场地的特定区域.

    The site may contain links to other Internet Web site, including co-branded or other 附属网站可能由365买球靠谱拥有或运营,也可能不是. 除非另有 明确声明,大学是不负责的隐私做法或 the content of such sites, including such sites’ use of any information (such as IP number, browser type, or operating system) collected when visitors to the site click 通过这些网站的链接. 即使这些信息可能无法识别 user personally, users should be familiar with the privacy practices of those other sites.
  2. 个人身份信息的使用. 大学提供潜在的通知 registrants of this site whose personally identifiable information will be collected 在注册过程中. 该通知与用户的通知同时提供 registration on this site; moreover, this policy itself serves as notice that such 信息是在这些情况下收集的. 尽管用户可能不会“选择退出” of the registration process and still receive access to the services, users may choose to “opt out” of receiving promotional materials from the University and/or other business partners. 如果用户没有“选择不接收”此类宣传材料, Pepperdine reserves the right to release user’s personally identifiable registration information to third parties who provide goods or services that the University believes 可能是用户感兴趣的. 如果用户决定停止接收促销 来自第三方的信息,请直接与这些第三方联系; 或联系365买球靠谱 webcomm@theharbourdj.com

    365怎么买球限制自己的电子邮件联系和征求那些用户谁拥有 不“选择不接受”此类通讯. 征集活动限于 that they, among other things, will clearly indicate the originator of the email and 为用户提供“选择退出”接收未来通信的方法 性质相似的.

    最后,Pepperdine可能会使用个人会员的数据来“预填充”表格 是为收集个人资料而显示的. In 在任何情况下,预填充表单都不会向任何第三方传输任何数据. Only if the user voluntarily requests that such data be transferred will any transfer take place -例如,如果/当用户点击“提交表单”按钮或其他按钮.

    365怎么买球保留发布任何和所有的信息包含在其中的权利 access logs concerning any visitor when that visitor is in violation of the University’s “Terms of Service” agreement or other published guidelines, or partakes (or is reasonably 涉嫌参与任何非法活动,即使没有传票、搜查令, or other court order, and to release such information in response to discovery requests, or in response to any circumstance in which the University, in its sole discretion, 紧急事件. 365买球靠谱与执法机构合作识别 那些可能使用其服务器或服务从事非法活动的人. Pepperdine also reserves the right to report any suspected illegal activity to law enforcement 进行调查或检控.

    365买球靠谱将在官方规则和/或网站上公布相关隐私信息 它赞助的任何促销活动的注册区域. 那就是隐私信息,给的 在与本隐私政策相冲突的范围内,将管辖该特定促销活动.


Short Message Service (SMS) and WhatsApp text messages are methods of digital communication that Pepperdine may utilize to contact the University community, particularly to prospective 与格拉齐亚迪奥商学院、卡鲁索法学院、芝加哥大学的学生有关 教育与心理研究生院,以及公共政策学院. 

Pepperdine adheres to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), General Data Protection 法规(GDPR)、加州隐私权法案(CPRA)和隐私与电子 通讯规例(PECR).

Messaging Costs

Those who opt in to receive SMS and WhatsApp text messages acknowledge responsibility for any carrier fees, including data plan charges, messaging charges, toll fees, out-of-area 漫游费和其他费用. 

Opt In

Prospective students will be able to opt in to receiving SMS and WhatsApp text messages 通过请求信息,事件注册,和电子邮件活动形式. 


  • 财政援助链接和指导
  • 关于录取过程的信息
  • 活动邀请
  • 中心调查
  • 提醒你重要的日期和截止日期


  • Questions
  • Comments
  • 取消订阅选项

Opt Out

选择不接收短信和WhatsApp短信的准学生可以 以STOP、CANCEL、OPT OUT或QUIT回复已发送的消息以选择退出. 


All 收集的信息 on the site is stored within a controlled database accessible only to the University to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of the information 在其控制下. 但是,与任何安全措施实施的一样有效 大学也许是,没有什么安全系统是牢不可破的. 365怎么买球不能保证 其数据库的安全性,也不能保证其所提供的信息 用户的信息在互联网上传输时不会被拦截. Questions 有关本私隐政策的详情,请电邮至 webcomm@theharbourdj.com.

Your Rights

Where authorized and subject to all applicable laws, you may have the right to request 访问、复制、更正、限制使用或删除您的 information. 您也有权撤回同意使用您的信息, 在不影响大学事先使用该等资料的合法性的情况下 收到您的请求.

如果用户希望更改或删除个人身份信息 365买球靠谱的数据库,请联系 webcomm@theharbourdj.com. Keep in mind that there will be residual information remaining within the databases, access logs, and other records, which may or may not contain such personally identifiable information. The residual information will not be used for commercial purposes; however, the University reserves the right, from time to time, to re-contact former customers 或合法使用本网站的用户.

Information collected in the European Union will be transferred out of the European 大学联盟. 如果你认为大学没有遵守 适用外国法律规定此类数据或数据传输的权利 向有关当局提出投诉.


我们可能随时更新或更改本政策. 您继续使用本网站后 任何该等更改均表示您接受该等更改.


有关私隐政策的问题,请透过电邮向大学查询 webcomm@theharbourdj.com

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